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We are Fantastic at French!

❝If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.❞
Nelson Mandela

Galerie Française

French Intent 

Wood End Park Academy is a diverse multi-cultural school. Many of our pupils are bilingual or multilingual, with a plethora of language knowledge in each and every classroom. French allows us to further enhance our children’s language skills and find patterns between French, English and their own languages. We promote an appreciation of France by celebrating Bastille Day annually, allowing our children to explore French customs. We prioritise learning patterns, thought processes and grammatical structures in a way that progresses from simple words and phrases onto full sentences. We offer children an opportunity to put their new found language skills into practise through our link with a French primary school in a contrasting locality.


We asked the children how they feel when they learn French...

